Thursday, December 25, 2008

Is it possible that UK UFO hacker Gary McKinnon found NASA fraud?

UK hacker Gary McKinnon is due to be extradited to the US for hacking into NASA and other top secret military sites. The final decision by a UK judge will take place on the same day that Barak Obama is inaugurated as the next president of the United States, i.e. 20th January 2009. If he loses his fight against extradition, he could find himself in prison for up to 70 years for breaking into these sites.
According to Jeff Peckman of the Denver UFO Examiner - Gary may be able to come up with a novel defence which could blow the lid on UFO disclosure. It turns out that McKinnon may have the evidence to prove that NASA has defrauded the people of the United States for billions of dollars.

McKinnon claims to have discovered NASA files containing evidence of UFOs of extraterrestrial origin. Numerous Disclosure Project whistle-blowers formerly with Top Secret security clearance have revealed that NASA has hidden, destroyed, or altered videos or photos that contained images of UFOs or extraterrestrial life forms. Yet NASA has claimed that "we are honest and ethical in all that we do".

NASA requests and allocates funding of over $17 billion each year and a large portion is used to "look for signs of life in other planetary systems". If it can be proven , that NASA was obtaining funding while at the same time hiding, destroying or altering evidence of "signs of life" that it has already found, that would place NASA, and not McKinnon in hot water. Not only will McKinnons discovery unveil a possible fraud at NASA, but it's also revealed the poor cyber-security, which will now have to be upgraded.

McKinnon may have a hard time using whistle-blower laws and the Whistleblower Protection Act of 2007 has been held up by the Bush administration. This act would would extend protections to “to employees of companies with government contracts”. It would also extend “protections to employees of science-based agencies by providing that ‘abuse of authority’ includes ‘any action that compromises the validity or accuracy of federally funded research and analysis’ and ‘the dissemination of false or misleading scientific, medical, or technical information’.” This has NASA written all over it.

Members of the Obama cabinet support disclosure of the “X-Files” on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors. These files have been kept secret for over 60 years by governments and a complicit media. Maybe McKinnon should be rewarded, not punished.

1 comment:

  1. ibelieve that if the truth was ever disclosed,the secret poeple beind every goverment whould crack down on it, because think about the vast amounts of profits and the hundreds of billions that the elite and the churches whould lose you dont stand a chance, you might as well forget it.


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