The most interesting and astounding information on the web
I am, 45 year old Orthodox Jewish, South African, living in Israel for the last 10 years. I'm blessed with a wonderful wife and family, and thank G-d everyday for all the kindness's and compassion that I receive on a daily basis. I studied many years in Yeshiva, in Gateshead, England and Baltimore, and you can call me a Rabbi if you really have to ;-) - I also studied accountancy, real estate and computers and most recently lost my job of 9 years because of the recession.. I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and have travelled to many parts of the world. I have the most brilliant and interesting father, who, besides being a 'walking encyclopedia', is an example of truth and sincerity. My mother is a world famous Cyto-Pathologist who gave it all up to become a Jewish mother and Bobba. Both My Mother and Father, may they live to 120 years in health and happiness, have interesting information and advice for everyone. It's not surprising then that I have a love and a thirst for knowledge of the wonderful world we live in! All of creation is to give praise to the Supreme Being – the Creator of worlds.
This blog is written by Hillel Abrahams. If you have interesting information on life, interesting people, secrets of creation and the universe, UFO's, paranormal or anything related, especially if it has any connection to Jewish law, the Talmud, the Zohar or the service of G-d please email me at ilifeworld_at_gmail.com I will consider publishing it.
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